I am an ecologist interested in using morphology and physiology to understand the distribution of biological diversity, particularly that of the ants. I aim to use basic ecological principles to explain broad spatial and temporal patterns of biodiversity that have relevance for the continued existence of Life on Earth. I want to find general answers to big questions without losing sight or touch of the natural world!
I am currently a lecturer in ecology and zoology at Cardiff University, UK. When not chasing ants up and down mountains or playing in R, I can be found slacklining, bouldering, watching Adventure Time or listening to ambient beats. |
Brief CV
Appointments 2021 - present: Lecturer in Ecology and Zoology, Cardiff University, UK 2018 - present: Extraordinary Lecturer, University of Pretoria, South Africa 2018 - 2021: Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, University of Liverpool, UK 2016 - 2018: Vice Chancellor's Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Pretoria, South Africa Education 2012 - 2016: PhD Ecology, University of Liverpool, UK 2011 - 2012: MRes Entomology, Distinction, Imperial College London, UK 2008 - 2011: BA (Hons) Biological Sciences, 1st Class, University of Oxford, UK